As ever, we are never, quite sure what will be for sale until Saturday morning. However this time a seller with some good looking lots has provided us with photos and descriptions.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Descriptions of the lots:
Antique copper bed warming pan
Antique brass table light stand (from an oil light)
Vintage decorative wooden cake stand
4 dining chairs (in need of re-upholstery and restoration)
Vintage Remington Noiseless Portable Typewriter with case
Antique Edison Bell Gem cylindrical record player (in need of some parts) and collection of records
Rustic pasta jar and lid
Antique letter weighing scales and weights (needs repair at one hinge)
Framed print of pencil portrait by John Ward
Antique silver plated fish serving knife and fork
Vintage Wedgwood china bell trinket 173 Please advise
Vintage display cabinet with glass walls and shelf
Boxed silver/ silver plate fish knifes and forks
Ceramic green table light with shade
Unusual antique precision made wooden nested jars with lids
Vintage silver plated gentleman’s cigarette box with handle
Art deco style glass tumblers – set of 8
Cut glass fruit bowls with attached saucer – set of 6
Silver/ silver plate fish knifes and forks in wooden box
Vintage cranberry glass bowl with cut base and small vase
Crown fine bone china floral place name holders –set of 8
8 no. 19th Century hand painted Queen Victoria foot-soldiers made from the original moulds
Ten vintage, probably antique handmade cranberry glasses
Unusual antique precision made wooden nested jars with lids
Vintage Wedgwood china bell trinket
Vintage display cabinet with glass walls and shelf
Antique silver plated fish serving knife and fork
Framed print of pencil portrait by John Ward
Antique letter weighing scales and weights (needs repair at one hinge)
Rustic pasta jar and lid
Vintage Remington Noiseless Portable Typewriter with case
Antique cranberry vase with clear ruffle (slight damage to ruffle)
Antique brass oil lamp converted to table light stand
Antique bed warming pan
White serving dish, shaped as a fish
4 dining chairs (in need of re-upholstery and restoration)