We’re gearing up for our auction this weekend. As usual we open for viewing at 12:30pm and the auction itself starts at 2pm.
There’s some room for more sellers if you want to earn some cash for you pre-loved items. You’ll need to bring your stuff in the morning between 9:30 and 10:30 and then come back in the afternoon to collect your earnings. We settle up immediately after the auction and it’s all done in a day!
If you want to reserve some space you can use our form at auctionsinaday.co.uk/book
We’ve got some interesting lots already booked in including vintage coins, our very popular upcycled goods and many collectible items. Below is a sample.
We’ll be at Weeke Community Centre in Winchester (SO22 6HG). Oh, and don’t forget we’ll have our usual collection of lovely homemade cakes.
See you there!

See you on Saturday 3rd February at Weeke Community Centre, SO22 6HG.